Hyderabad 13 Feb 2022: Committee Naujawan Quam e Mehdavia Hyderabad had hosted a Jalsa-e-Taziyath in honour of Marhum Hz. Faqeer Syed Shafiullah Khundmiri Saheb on Saturday, 12th Feb 2022 in Hz. Murtuza Sahab Yadullahi’s Masjid Khalla Chanchalguda Hyderabad. The program was presided over by Hz Peer-o-Murshid Syed Mohammad Sarfaraz Mehdi Tashreefullahi Sahab Qibla with Chief Guest Guest of Mubibbe-e-Millat Hz.Maqsood Ali Khan Saheb – Sarparast-e-Idara Tanzeem Mehdavia Hyderabad and Guest of Honour Janab Inayath Ullah Khan Saheb – Founder & Managing Trustee Mehdavia Times Welfare Trust, Bangalore.
The Jalsa started after
namaz-e-isha with
Qirat-e-Kalaam by Brother Mohammed
Tabreek Nizami Saheb.
Many learned members of
the community and murshideen spoke about the services rendered by Marhum Hz. Faqeer Syed Shafiullah Khundmiri
Saheb and recalled their association and experiences with him.
Janab Syed Shahab Zaki Mujtehadi Saheb, Janab Syed Yakhoob Shahnawaz Maqsusi Saheb,
Janab Syed Ali Yousuf Saheb, Janab Mehraj Dildar Khan Nagad Saheb –
President Committee Naujawan Quam e Mehdavia Hyderabad, Janab Inayath Ullah Khan Saheb, Janab Syed Zabi Ullah Nawazish Saheb, Janab Shabbir Ali Khan Shabbir Saheb, Janab Syed Hussain Bukhari Saheb, Hz. Maqsood Ali Khan Saheb, and the
presidential address was delivered by Hz
Peer-o-Murshid Syed Mohammad Sarfaraz Mehdi Tashreefullahi Sahab Qibla.
All the speakers put
light on the life and services of Marhum who spent his whole life in
propagating the message of Hz. Syed Mohammed Mehdi Maud Juanpuri AHS.
May Allah shower his infinite mercy on Marhum with his divine vision (Deedar)
and May Allah give Sabr-e-Jameel to all his relatives and family members. Aameen.
The Jalsa got concluded
by Vote of thanks by Janab Mehraj Dildar
Khan Nagad Saheb followed by Tazbeeh.
The program was relayed
live on facebook by Janab Mehraj Dildar Khan Saheb, You may watch the same here.
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