Exactly 7 days from now Ramadan
is going to start during this lock down period and I believe some people will
try to violate lock down rules of our government in the name of religion; Therefore,
it is my humble request/appeal to all my Muslim Mehdavia brothers and sisters to
respect and follow the lock down rules of our Government and observe fasts and
all the Namaaz at your homes.
2. SOCIAL DISTANCING: - It is a prophetic [PBUH] command to follow Social Distancing. It is stated that “Those with contagious diseases should be kept away from those who are healthy” [BUKHARI 6771, Muslim 2221].
4. DO NOT HARM OTHERS: - If you have symptoms of any disease, the Prophet [PBUH] Has advised in a hadith saying “do not cause harm or return harm” [SUNAN Ibn Majah 2340]
take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Ramazan and would like to bring
your attention towards some of the relevant verses and hadiths which are relevant
at this point of time. Let us combat COVID-19 in the light of Quran &
Important Hadith of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] in Connection with Lockdown and our
figth against COVID-19 for your kind reference.
QUARANTINE: - It is a prophetic [PBUH]
advice, to observe Quarantine, it is stated that “The Plague (Contagion) patient who remains in his home with patience
and expectation of reward knowing that nothing will befall him other than
Allah’s Decree will attain the reward of a martyr” [Musnad Ahmad Sahih also Bukhaari 2829 and Muslim 1914]
2. SOCIAL DISTANCING: - It is a prophetic [PBUH] command to follow Social Distancing. It is stated that “Those with contagious diseases should be kept away from those who are healthy” [BUKHARI 6771, Muslim 2221].
BAN: - It
is a prophetic [PBUH] Teaching to Ban Travel whenever there is an outbreak of a
deadly disease. Prophet [PBUH] has advised by saying “Do not enter a land where plague (contagious ailment) has broken out”
5739, Muslim 2219].
4. DO NOT HARM OTHERS: - If you have symptoms of any disease, the Prophet [PBUH] Has advised in a hadith saying “do not cause harm or return harm” [SUNAN Ibn Majah 2340]
5. IF
Prophet [PBUH] has said once “The entire
earth has been made a MASJID except grave yards and wash rooms” [TIRMIDHI Al Salaah 291]. Hence,
following this hadith let us pray at home.
- Patience is the virtue, the Prophet [PBUH]
has said that “there is no DISEASE that
Allah [swt] sent without sending for it a CURE” [BUKHARI volume 7, book 71 number 582]. Let us pray and hope that the cure will be
found out soon.
a Prophetic [PBUH] practice, it is reported in a famous hadith as below; “Prophet [PBUH] while sneezing would cover
His Face with His Hand or with His garment” [Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi Book 43 Hadith 2969 Sahih]
- Allah swt says
in Holy Quran (S-5-Ay.6) “Yaa ayyu-hallazina ‘aamanuuu izaa qumhum
ilas-Salaati faghsluu wujuu –ha-kum wa aydikum ilal –maraafiqi wam-sahuu bi-ru’usikum
wa arjula –kum ‘ilal-ka-bayan” “O ye who believe! When ye rise up for prayer
wash your faces, and your hands up to the elbows. and lightly rub your heads
and [wash] your feet upto the ankles.
Further there is hadith “I, heard the Prophet
[PBUH] saying on the day of resurrection my followers will be called Al Ghurr-ul-Muhajjalun
from the traces of ablution and whoever can increase the area of his radiance
should do so in the most perfect manner” [Sahib Al Bukhari Vol 1 Hadith No. 138]. Hence, let us all follow
this practice of being in Wadu all the time.
9. WASH HANDS Every Time
You Enter Home:
- The Prophet [PBUH] Said: - “Cleanliness is half of faith” [Muslim 223] let us all follow this
and try to be clean, by washing our hands more often, and every time we enter
our homes.
- Quarantining oneself is also Prophetic [PBUH]
advice. It is stated reported in a hadith as follows “Run away from the leper (the one
contagious ailment) as you would run away from a lion” [BUKHARI Volume 7, Book 71,
Number 608]. Hence let us
quarantine ourselves, and help our Government by staying at our homes.
Dear Brothers & Sisters, Remember, religion will be safe when all the humans
are safe. Therefore, it is my humble request follow the above advices in the
light of Quran & Hadith. I also
request you all too kindly send this advice to all your family members and friends
and join hands in combating the Deadly COVID-19.
Stay Home & Stay Safe. I Pray Almighty Allah to
Protect one and all. Aameen.
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